Here you can find all Activities I offer

  • Moose Safari

    We will drive on remote and isolated forest roads at dusk or dawn to try and spot the royalty of the nordic forests - moose.

  • Northern Lights Hunt

    On this tour you will learn more about how when and why the Aurora can be spotted and we will drive to locations to spot it.

  • Nightphotography Workshop

    Learn basic skills on how to photograph at night regarding camera settings, choice of location, starry skies, northern lights and even what to do in cloudy weather.

  • Guided Tour - Nature Up Close

    We will take a walk in slow pace and use magnifying glasses to pay special attention to the small patterns and structures in nature.

  • Guided Tour - Nature & Wellness

    We will take a guided tour through nature while doing different types of mindfulness exercises and learning about why being in nature has such a big positive impact on our mental and physical health.

  • Fire-Making & Survival Workshop

    Learn basic skills on how to built a campfire, what materials to use and how to prepare your fire to make it as safe as possible when out in the wild.

  • Photography Beginners Workshop

    Learn basic skills on how to use camera settings and framing to your advantage. We will also cover how to choose a good angle for the subject of your photo.

  • Photography Self-Portraits Workshop

    Learn basic skills on how to be the subject in your photos, regarding camera settings, choice of location and what to wear to perfectly fit in with your surroundings.

  • Photography Bokeh & Makro Workshop

    Learn basic skills on how to create a beautiful bokeh effect in your photos, the most important camera settings, choice of lense and where to look for the perfect motive.

  • Guided Tour - Nordic Mythology

    This is a guided 2-hour-long walk through forests and fields with focus on old nordic mythology and long lost stories.

  • Guided Tour - Culture & History

    We will take a walk through the forest in Trehörningsjö and talk about the history of Norrland, prehistoric settlements, what life used to be like before modern times and what cultural and historic signs we can still find today.

  • Guided Tour - Foraging Wild Plants

    In this tour we will walk through meadows, fields and forests and identify several wild growing plants that are edible or might even have medicinal properties. We will talk about how to collect them and cover some ways on how to use them.

  • Mushroom Picking Workshop

    We will cover some of the most commonly found and easy to recognize mushrooms found in northern Sweden and what to consider when going foraging for mushrooms.

  • Berry Picking

    We will identify and pick seasonal berries found throughout the summer in northern Sweden.