Photography Workshop Bokeh & Macro

Learn basic skills on how to create a beautiful bokeh effect in your photos, the most important camera settings, choice of lense and where to look for the perfect motive.

We will go on a guided tour in nature, enjoy the beautiful environment and take practical examples for bokeh photography depending on the current season.

Find Beauty In The Little Things

This is one of the basic principles of photography. “Little things” can help you create the most beautiful, delicate and unique photos you could imagine. With the bokeh effect you choose a small object as the sole focus point in the photo. The background and foreground will be blurry, giving your photo more depth.

In this workshop we will cover

  • the 3 most important settings in your camera and how to use them

  • choosing the right motive

  • how to create different photos depending on angles of camera and light

  • effects of editing

Depending on the weather we will take some practical examples and talk about how to adjust to other weather phenomena.

The majority of the activity will be held outdoors, so prepare with adequate clothing for several hours outdoors in nordic weather. Depending on the motive of your choice, I recommend clothes that you feel comfortable getting on the ground with.

In addition you will need:

  • a digital camera* (I recommend one with the ability to shoot in RAW file format for higher resolution and more options in editing)

  • a lense with sharp focus, bonus if it has an extra wide aperture

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, I’d love to help!

*you can use any camera you have available. If you want to use the camera in your phone, you will be able to get much better results if your phone has an option for manual settings, often called "pro" photo mode, which most modern phones have. If in doubt, please let me know in advance.

Group size: max 12

Price: 2.250 sek

Duration: 2 hours