About INAturen Highcoast

My name is Ina.

I grew up in the city of Neuss (famously known among many Germans for the Gewitteroma, family Wollny and the Schützenfest) right in the heart of Northrhine Westphalia, the most densely populated region of Germany. Throughout my life I always felt a longing for nature, spending a lot of time outdoors in my childhood and going on dayhikes and trips into nature with friends during the part of my adult life that I spent in Germany.

However, in 2018, I felt like I wanted to deepen my connection to nature and get to know a different culture and language and decided to move to a village in Northern Sweden. I quickly found work and learned the language, allowing me to get my education as speech therapist acknowledged in Sweden after just little more than 2 years in the country.

I kept spending most of my spare time outdoors, photographing the immense beauty I found everywhere I looked around me, learning about the local wildlife and plants, picking mushrooms and berries for the first, second and many more times. With time I started to notice more which types of flowers and plants were in season at what time, when and where to find which types of berries and through my kind neighbors and the internet I found so much more information about culture and the local history. My passion for gardening also helped me deepen my understanding for plant cycles and bloom seasons and with time I started to feel like social media just wasn’t enough for me to share this with others.

In 2023 I finally took a leap of faith and stopped working in order to enroll in a one year long curriculum to become diplomated natureguide. The course started in August 2023 and ended in June 2024, making me a certified natureguide in Sweden. I have already learned so much and gained lots of experience in how to guide groups, be safe in nature and make camps and campfires without leaving a trace after, since this is the most important rule of the Swedish Allemansrätten - Don’t disturb and don’t destroy.

Now I hope to be able to share my knowledge and passion for nature with likeminded people who come here as travelers and open their eyes to the beauty that is so special in our region - the High Coast of Sweden. Not only does this region offer the same magical deep winters, endless forests, flowery fields and bright summer nights as the rest of the North, we also have the unique hightening of the bedrock in the coastal region, that still continues with almost 1cm/year today after the 1km thick ice sheet melted about 10.000 years ago.

I can’t wait to meet you and tell and show you more about the beautiful nature you will find here on your holiday!

Nice to meet you!

Hope to see you soon!
